Euratlas Periodis Expert is a database and a historical Atlas of Europe with editing functions. It describes the political status of Europe, North Africa and Near East at fixed intervals, from year 1 until year 2000.
Stress is put on the precise drawing of territories at one exact instant defined by fixed length intervals, that is the first day of each centennial year.
Main Features:
Euratlas Periodis Expert offers the following possibilities:
1) Navigate over the maps of Europe through space and time.
2) Explore the Countries and towns of a specific century.
3) Search a country, province or town in the current map or throughout the 21 available centuries.
4) Print or export default maps of one or several centuries.
5) Create customized maps by changing the text of the labels and their placement.
6) Mark battles, events or landmarks with pins.
7) Print or export custom maps.